Tag Archives: cracks

God: The Original Author; Fractured Creation

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Well, first of all, they don’t. It only happened once, and He volunteered.  But aside from that, let’s look at what people typically mean and try to answer that.

Bad things happen. They do. War. Crime. Poverty. Disease. Famine. Rape. Domestic abuse. Child abuse. So much that people cry out to God, “How could you let this happen?” Atheists point accusing fingers at people of faith, saying, “If your God was really a God of Love, He would stop all this!”

You know what? He wants to. He didn’t create any of this, in His Eden. He created a perfect world. An unbroken creation. A perfect manuscript. And what did we do? We tore it apart. We took God’s manuscript and ripped it to shreds, scattering the pieces and rearranging them.

We tried to make our own story. Thing is, we’re not qualified to. We don’t know everything about the Present, much less the Past or the future. We don’t know everything about ourselves, much less everything and everyone else. There is no way we could write a story.

So our world is wrong. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle with all the pieces mashed together in the wrong order. The picture doesn’t make sense, and there are cracks in it. Cracks that let things God never wanted in His story to slip in. Sin.

And we can’t fix it on our own.  We’re still not good enough. Only if everyone surrenders completely to the Author and lets Him finish His story.

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Filed under Blogging, Characters, Christian, Life, Writing