Tag Archives: Blogging

Sweet Relief

Finally finished my term exams. I feel good about all seven and know for a fact I got a 100 on two of them. So that’s over with.

Best part? A five day break, starting tomorrow. I’m probably going to just sleep a lot tomorrow, but the next four days should let me crank out some writing. Expect to see more Lezvie and Angela stories and possibly some Phenomenon.

Also, I should be able to put up my first video blog post, if I can get some opinions on what I should talk about/read.

So, that’s all coming up this weekend. See you then, wyrms.


Filed under Blogging, Life, School, Update, Videos, Writing

God: The Original Author; More Thoughts

These are some more thoughts I had about how this idea of God as the Author makes a lot of sense and is cool.

One thing I thought of that didn’t go into the posts is the very method God uses to create. Words. He speaks, and it is so. This lends a strong argument to my belief that words are powerful. Hence, I don’t (or rather, try not to. I’m far from perfect, yet) curse or insult people profusely, like I hear my fellow students doing. The pen is mightier than the sword, but a word doesn’t have to be written down to be dangerously powerful.

Another thing is, this is a good way to explain why there is evil in the world.  When was the last time you read a story, a really good story, where the characters had absolutely no challenges, and everything went well, and everyone was nice, and they all got along and lived happily ever after.

*gives you a few moments to wrack your brains*

There aren’t any. Because characters drive the story, and characters can only grow through hardship.  God doesn’t cause bad things to happen.  They’re just part of the story.

And another thing. God loves everybody. He wrote us. He took nothing and made it a person and gave it a unique personality that He loves. Even the villains.  Even the most horrific villains have some attachment to their author, because their author made them.

So everyone who’s addicted to something or who has made terrible mistakes, I have two things to say. One, God knows. Just because you don’t tell him doesn’t mean He doesn’t know. He wrote you. He knew what was going to happen before it happened.  So all the times you say, “Oh, He doesn’t know what I’ve done,” or “It’s too terrible, He can’t forgive me,” forget it. It’s crap.

Because, second thing I have to say, He loves you. It doesn’t matter what you did, God’s seen it, and is willing to forgive you if you just ask in the name of His Son, because He loves you. You’re His creation.

Yet another point: Satan is not the equal opposite of God. God is the author and Satan is a character. In my posts I described Jesus as the main character, though that’s not entirely accurate. It’s more like Jesus the man was the main character, if you could separate him from Jesus, the Son of God.

Anyway. Point is, Satan is not a threat to God at all. When my author friends and I are Role Playing our characters, and one of the villains does something out of line with our plans, one of us will call out, ‘Author powers’, and smite them. Annoying, sometimes. A threat, never.

There may be still more thoughts. We’ll see. Later, wyrms.


Filed under Blogging, Characters, Christian, Life, Writing

We Are Not Alone…

Hello, wyrms!

I am not the only blogger in my house! My parents also have blogs, so go check them out!

About life in general: Life on the road

About Christian living: As for My House

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Filed under As for My House, Blogging, Life on the Road